Suzanne Vega
"Marlene On The Wall"
Even if I am in love with you
All this to say, what's it to you?
Observe the blood, the rose tattoo
Of the fingerprints on me from you
Other evidence has shown
That you and I are still alone
We skirt around the danger zone
And don't talk about it later
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
As the records the rise and fall
Of every soldier passing
But the only soldier now is me
I'm fighting things I cannot see
I think it's called my destiny
That I am changing
Marlene on the wall
I walk to your house in the afternoon
By the butcher's shop with the sawdust strewn
"Don't give away the goods too soon"
Is what she might have told me
And I tried so hard to resist
When you held me in your handsome fist
And reminded me of the night we kissed
And of why I should be leaving
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
As the records the rise and fall
Of every man who's been here
But the only one here now is me
I'm fighting things I cannot see
I think it's called my destiny
That I am changing
Marlene on the wall

2 commenti:
Hai visto che ci sono venuto nel tuo blog brutta testona che non sei altro???Ghi ghi ghi!
Ti ho mandato una mail ma mi sa che non ho risposto a tutto!!!
Nottola nottola batterista babystrega mia.
Kiss kiss
...perchè la gente commenta a caso?
Ecco uno spezzone su Suzanne Vega trovato su http://www.ondarock.it :
"Il primo, fortunato singolo e' "Marlene on the wall", intensa ballata ispirata non dal Muro di Berlino, come le chiedo incautamente, ma da un "more anonymous wall", come corregge lei, ovvero il muro della sua camera da letto, dove Suzanne teneva appesa una foto di Marlene Dietrich."
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